Monday 26 November 2012

Melt my heart

I know, I know, it's been awhile. Again. Life is just so busy with two little ones now. I could have never imagined how busy and, well, hard it would be with two kids. Don't get me wrong, I love being a mom, love my kids with every ounce of my being, but I don't think anything can prepare you for motherhood. There are ups and downs, good times and trying times, so it makes me wonder how anyone can handle such a job. There are certainly some times now where I have thought, maybe I should go back to work? But then these unbelievable moments happen where you see their first smile, hear their first giggle or am amazed at how much their vocabulary increases, how much they grow and remember even the smallest of things. You become so impressed with who they are becoming. 

Lately, I've had some long days and nights, but I know it will get better. Cam rarely naps anymore, but funny as I am writing this, both kids are fast asleep for an afternoon nap. I am quite enjoying such a peaceful afternoon as this is very rare since Kylie arrived on the scene. So much has happened in the last few months. Cam started preschool two weeks ago and to my amazement, he is excelling quite well. When I first took him in to meet with the principal, he gave the worst first impression possible. Kicking and screaming, yelling NO, flopping to the ground, all because he wanted to do his own thing and play with the toys as all the other kids were eating their snack. I don't know why, but I felt almost embarrassed as twelve 3 year olds watched me try to control or get my kid to cooperate with me. Even the principal said, we can do a trial and if it doesn't work out... I was so sad. I went home in tears. I so badly wanted my child to fit in and be a part of something with other children. I so badly wanted a break just two mornings a week from my ever so active child so I can focus on Kylie. I so badly wanted some peace and quiet. Well I now have that break. Cam has been at school for two weeks and loves it. I am so happy! How could I have doubted him? Having taken him out of daycare to be at home with me, makes it hard to keep him stimulated when I have to hold a baby the majority of the day. This gives him the time to interact with other children, play outside and really learn what it's like to be in a school environment. His teachers are even saying, it's like he's always been here, he's the best cleaner-upper in the class, and he has such a large vocabulary. 

Well Cam, you proved me wrong and I am so very proud. My favourite part of those mornings that he is at school, is actually picking him up and seeing his great big smile and him showing me or telling me what he did that day. I absolutely love it! These are the moments that erase all the challenging times a mother goes through with her children and just melt my heart. Keep up the good work little buddy!