Monday 25 June 2012


I am in full swing, the nesting stage of pregnancy. I want to weed out, organize and buy new things for our condo. Because I am feeling rather large, I want as little as possible in our place, but have no where to put things. I want the toys hidden, the clutter gone and everything clean and tidy. What it really comes down to, is we have outgrown our space. Having one child, ok, it can work. Having a toddler and another baby one the way, it's a tight squeeze. We are trying to figure out a plan to make it work though - at least for the next several months. I mean, people in big cities do it, right?! I just have to be super organized. Everyone keeps asking us, what our plan is, and I'm so tired of not having one. James and I need to sit down (maybe after the baby comes) and really nail down a plan of action. When we go to friends' houses on weekends and see the space they have and the fact they can have people over and entertain or go outside to a backyard, I can't help but be a tad bit jealous that we can't do the same. I know I just have to be patient and something will come along to make our own, but the pregnancy hormones in me just keep rearing their little heads! In one way, I want to move and leave the condo lifestyle, but in another it makes me sad to close that chapter. It's such a big decision, I just don't want to make the wrong move. 

Kids say the darndest things!

Although I had quite a few spa treatments this weekend, I am still feeling quite tired. I have not been getting the greatest of sleeps these nights as frequent trips to the washroom have me up almost every hour. Aside from that, I got to enjoy a massage during the day, some girl talk with a pedicure/manicure with some friends on Saturday afternoon to celebrate their soon to arrive #2 babies, followed by a bbq. What a great way to spend a Saturday. It was great to sit and catch up. Cam had so much fun playing with all the kids, splashing around in the water with them and playing soccer. He is getting to be so big and full of chatter now. He told me this weekend that a dinosaur bit him on his leg. "Oh really? Where were you?" I said. "At Tracy's." (that is his daycare provider) So I asked him if the dinosaur said sorry, and of course, he did. It was the cutest thing ever. I am loving most of the things he has t say these days but especially little stories like this that he tells me.
My ever growing belly is making it so much harder to well, do almost everything now. I can barely bend down to pick things up. It's hard to lift Cam. It's extremely difficult to roll over in bed; I feel like I need a crane to pick me up and when I try to get in the car, I usually say, "ohhh" which Cam says to me, "mommy, too big?" Yes, I am. I will admit, I have been telling him that myself, so I can't help but laugh at that one. ;)   

Saturday 2 June 2012

Terrific twos!

That is what my daycare provider likes to call it. She honestly loves this age in little ones. I, on the other hand, being the mother of that screaming, hitting and loves the word, "NO!" child, would beg to differ sometimes. But only sometimes. All those challenging moments aside, I am really loving Cam at this age too. I see him soaking up everything he encounters like a sponge and I can't help but smile and laugh. And speaking of soaking up everything, last week I was making some cupcakes and as Cam was climbing on the breakfast bar he knocked over my water glass spilling it on the butter I was about to use. Of course, my initial reaction was to yell, "Shit" and wouldn't you know it, the little parrot in the room did the same. And so it begins... Better watch the potty mouth, momma! 

Here are some pics of that terrific toddler, that I promised. ;)

Friday 1 June 2012

Been way too long

So it's been almost a year to the date since I last posted on here, so I better get back into it. So many things have changed since then. I am pregnant again, this time with a little girl. I am so exited to have one of each and can't wait to see Cam as a big brother! I will love to see the bond they form and hopefully one day he will be her little protector. We have decided to name her Kylie Kennedy McGee. Still keeping with the "Kennedy" as the middle name since I never changed my name when I married James. Cam has Kennedy as his middle name also. I think both names are nice and strong and really go well together. As I sit here and write this, Kylie is moving around like crazy. Not sure if she is dancing to the funk music that is playing in the office here or she is trying to tell me that she wants some lunch. lol Anyway, I can't wait to meet her and see her come August. 

I'm starting to get really uncomfortable and not sleeping that well, so I can only imagine the summer won't be quite as enjoyable, but like they say, it will all be worth it, once I see that little face. 

Cam is growing up so incredibly fast too. He just turned two on May 14 and he is like a little boy now. He is saying sentences and able to communicate with us more and more everyday. This past weekend, James' mom and I took him to Syracuse on a little shopping excursion. He did fairly well, with only 2 meltdowns. I had a meltdown myself as I had to pack up his and my lunch in the food court while he screamed and cried, threw things and kept hitting me in the face. I was trying to hurry to get out of there so no one would see the tears started to run down my cheek. I was exhausted, had no voice, pregnant, hungry and had a screaming 2 year old on my hands that wouldn't listen to me if his life depended on it. I made it to the car to finally confine him and finish my food until Debbie was able to come find me. Stupid cell phone wouldn't work so I had no way of reaching her to let her know where I had gone. As she arrived to the car, the tears started flowing down my face, as I tried to tell her, that I had to get out of there so people would stop staring at me like I was a bad mother for not controlling my child. At that very moment, I thought, what have I done getting pregnant again with a 2 year old? I should have waited til Cam was a bit older. Either way, it makes for a rather funny story to one day tell Cam what he put his mother through. haha 

I only expect this to be the first of many meltdowns, so I better toughen up and learn to deal - especially with another one on the way. I know I can handle it or rather, will handle; I just need to exert a little more patience.
I will post some pics soon of Cam and how much he has grown up. He is such a cutie and his smile is so infectious; I love him so much! 

So I'm back to blogging - hopefully it won't be few and far between posts!