Thursday 3 March 2011

Head over heals

Is where I am going to end up if Biscotti (my cat) keeps prancing around my feet each time I am in the kitchen. Don't get me wrong; I love the little guy dearly and rarely ever get mad with him, but this certainly gets me frustrated. There have been numerous times now that I have stepped on his paws, tail or just about tripped over him while I am trying to get stuff done in there. Poor guy, he just wants my attention and quite honestly, I am really trying hard to give him the same amount of attention before Cam came along. I'm sure there are some days it could be better, but I do make sure he gets real play time just before bed. You see if I don't do that, he usually won't sleep on my pillow with me. Some of you might think, what's wrong with that? But I truly love him being there cuddled around my head. Even if sometimes he uses his back paws to kick me in the head, like he did this morning as I came back from the washroom. I am a weirdo, I know. Or maybe just obsessed with cats. He is my baby and always will be and it bugs me when people say, "he's just a cat." I get that some people feel that way, but I don't. He is part of my family and I like to treat him just the same.

Until next time,


  1. I totally get what you mean! Dean and I were SO not cat people, but when my girlfriend got pregnant her cat jumped on the bandwagon and Finnegan cam home with us. He is our baby...get this, Dean is trying to teach him how to TALK, yesterday he was CONVINCED that Finney said "hello" to him. We need to have a child...soon ;)

  2. haha - I think Dean has been watching too many of those youtube videos with cats talking! On the plus side, maybe he can teach him to talk just in time for you wedding so that Finnegan can give a speech at the wedding (maybe even for Dean). lol

  3. LOL! He should totally have been Dean's best man ;)
