Saturday 5 March 2011

Piece of cake

Or so we thought our long slow Saturday runs would be in this half marathon training, but were we ever wrong! It seems to be that every week during the week, the days are clear and sunny and then Saturday comes along and we have freezing cold temperatures, high winds, blowing snow or today; ice pellets and rain. We ran 14k today and were just soaked afterwards. I must say I am feeling good about getting it done, but boy am I really sore and stiff from all the uneven terrain. A lot of it's from my hard workout yesterday though. At one point, Erin, Gail and I all bent down (or should I say tried to bend) to pick up a glove and we all moaned. Seems like I wasn't the only one with tough workouts this week. I am trying to get my body back in shape after this baby and I am really having a hard time doing it. I've only got 10 lbs to go and then maybe a little bit extra for fun, but it is really difficult for me. I know the general rules, I work out most days but it's my love for food and lack of willpower that is killing me. I am a big sweet tooth and I love to snack on the bad carbs. Put a box of crackers in front of me and I can't help myself. When I get hungry, I crave bad food. This has got to stop and I am hoping that by training for this half, it will get me back into shape. I was in the best shape of my life training for the last one I did, so it's time to buckle down. Maybe if I actually write all this, I won't be able to keep using all my excuses. Someone may hold me to it one day. I've now got less than 2 months til I go back to work and I really need to be able to fit into my old pants as I can't afford to buy all new clothes. As much as it would be nice to have a brand new wardrobe, I want to feel good in my clothes again and I can't wear my lulus everyday to work. So if you see me out you may just have to simply remind me to put down that piece of cake.  


  1. I live in mu Lulu's on the weekend is what is working for me, switch to leggings and a baby tee and walk by the full length mirror ALOT =S

  2. Yes, but you have nice long legs. My 5'2" shorty pudgy frame doesn't exactly look good in tights... lol Unless I have a longer shirt to cover my big thighs and butt, and then I look even shorter. :0

  3. Haha Mine netiher which is the point...Oh and I skipped the 30 Day Shred in favour of shovelling about 800 pounds of white death this morning.
