Thursday 28 April 2011

Boston - a weekend of firsts

So I finally have a moment to sit down, write and enjoy some peace and quiet with no one home. Well except for Biscotti and he is actually trying really hard to get my attention today for some reason. Ok, so with the exception of him, I get to relax. Cam is at daycare today and James is at work. I want to fill you in on my trip to Boston a couple of weekends ago. We left on a Friday and drove down, Jim, Debbie, Cam and I. Cam did really well in the car ride down. He only fussed a little bit when he was tired, but finally managed to fall asleep for the last part of the ride. We stopped half way to eat at McDonald's (there was nothing else better in this little town), but it was great because they had a playland for kids. At the end of our meal, we took Cam in there and I crawled up through the tunnels and down a slide with Cam. He loved it! We captured it on video too. After lunch we got back on the road and upon arriving in Boston just after 6pm, we headed to a store to pick up a stroller for Cam. That night in our hotel room Cam was on the loose and then all of a sudden he decides it's time to take a few steps! I've been waiting for the moment! The only thing that was missing was James. I wish he could have been there to see him take his first steps. So all weekend long, Cam practiced taking a few steps and falling down. It was so cute. On Saturday we shopped for a bit and had a great lunch at this restaurant called Stephanies, which I learned last week that just a few days after we ate there, so did Salma Hayek with her kids. Pretty cool, though it would have been cooler if we had seen her there, but I digress. 

Our hotel was great. It was right downtown and close to everything. We had a crib in the room, but Cam refused to sleep in it and would only sleep in the king size bed with me. I thought this would be ok, but boy was I wrong. Between Cam rolling over, twisting around, flying arms and feet in my face and in my side and then worrying that he would wake up and crawl over the big barricade of pillows and fall on the floor, I barely got any sleep on this trip. And to top it all off, Cam was waking up at 6am to start the day. I told James that I would never go on a trip without him again. Now, don't get me wrong; Debbie and Jim were an incredible help on this trip and I loved how they invited me to come along, but it's still hard to do it on your own in a non-baby-proofed hotel room with a baby who is into everything, when you want to shower or get dressed or feed him breakfast. Someone always has to be watching him. Maybe it's because I was unprepared for a trip with a baby? You have to pack so much. I didn't have a high chair which made it difficult to feed him and it wasn't until the last day we were there that I clued in to use the stroller. Duh! That could have helped me so much. Live and learn, I suppose. 

Jim was great to take Cam on many walks around the park and many times whenever we were out eating places. Right now, Cam can't stay in a high chair for very long. I'm not sure if it's just a phase, but he wants to be on the go, all the time. It makes it difficult to go out and enjoy a meal, so we may take a break for awhile. lol So before Debbie was about to start the marathon, Jim and I took Cam to Boston Commons - which is a huge park. The sun was shining and it wasn't too cool out. Cam enjoyed the scenery and we even took him on his first carousel ride in the park. He loved it! On most carousels they have just horses, but as I was in line to get on, I spotted a giant cat that he could sit on and when it came time to get on, I was scurrying to find it when the mother in front of me came across it and put her hand on it for her daughter. I stood right behind it thinking and wanting to say, "back off lady, the cat is for my son, so keep walking!" Fortunately for us, her daughter wanted nothing to do with the cat and I quickly placed Cam on before she could change her mind. Jim stood on the sidelines with the camera and got some great videos and pictures of Cam enjoying the ride. (I'll post some pics soon when I get them). 

Later on that day, we tried to get to the finish line to see Debbie cross, but everywhere was blocked off, so we stood near the end of the race and finally spotted Debbie. She made it an incredible time of 4:05! Way to go! As we stood there watching all the runners and everyone cheering people on, it made me realize the appeal of running such an event. The hype and support from everyone is amazing. If you are a runner, after the race, people everywhere you go, congratulate you and think you are some kind of legend. Who wouldn't want all that praise and attention?! I can really see how it would feel so good. Now do I see a marathon in my future... ummm probably not. I don't think my body could handle it. I'll just stick with the half for now. 

The trip was great, Boston is such an amazing city and recommend it to anyone. So this weekend was the weekend of firsts. It was Cam's first time in the States; Debbie's first Boston marathon; Cam's first steps; and Cam's first time on a carousel. What an exciting time and now we can't wait for the next trip. Virginia Beach, you're next! 

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