Wednesday 6 April 2011


James and I had booked a trip to NYC a few months back and we finally were able to go at the end of March. It was a fantastic trip. It wasn't your typical relaxing getaway, but it was nice to be away nonetheless. We left Cam with his grandparents for 5 days and 5 nights. It was tough to do, though I didn't cry when we left, which I thought I totally would. I knew he was in good hands and the fact that Cam gets super excited and is all smiles with his grandparents is incredibly reassuring. My only worry was that he wouldn't sleep that well. As it turns out, he was great. I didn't have to worry at all. He slept well, ate well and got along without mommy and daddy, just fine. So well in fact, that when we arrived back home, he couldn't have cared less to see us. lol We thought, for sure he will be so excited to see mom and dad and come running up to us with wide open arms for a great big hug. Boy were we wrong. I picked him up to squeeze him and he only squirmed in my arms to go back to grandma. Welcome home to James and I! haha

In all honesty, I am glad that he was fine without us. It makes me feel better about when I have to go back to work and leave him with his daycare provider. Speaking of which, Cam is starting half days in a couple of weeks, and will work his way up to a full day. I hope he does ok there too. In the meantime, I've got to teach him how to hold his own bottle or drink his milk from a sippy cup. Right now, he seems to place both arms behind his head and lay back for me to feed him. Who made him king?! lol It would be funny if he ended up doing the same while at daycare. I better work on that. I think I spoil him too much. 

So I think this month is going to go by so quickly. Not only do we have Cam starting daycare soon, but I am heading to Boston next weekend to cheer on James' mom in the marathon. They have graciously offered to bring Cam and I along for the trip. I've never been to Boston before, so it should be so much fun. I feel like I am becoming a jetsetter. First, New York, then Boston, and then in the summer we are off to Virginia Beach for 2 weeks. It will definitely be something to look forward to once I am back to work. However, I am not looking forward to leaving Biscotti for that long. I need to either find someone to come stay at my place or put him in a pet hotel and I'm not too sure he will go for that. He is also spoiled with having a fresh glass of water on our bathroom countertop, drinking water from my fingertips in the shower and sleeping on my pillow with me every night. I can't help it, I love the little guy so much. It will be difficult to leave him. I always tear up when I go away. And he really misses us when we are gone too. Anyone want to come cat sit in a nice condo downtown? lol I better start looking into that before it stresses me out. I'm sure Biscotti will be just fine as well. I shouldn't worry so much about these things or else I'll end up becoming a hermit. Yikes.

Here are some pics from our trip to NYC. We shopped until we dropped - literally. And James didn't even complain once! My feet are still aching and it's been a week since we've been back. I think I actually got sick of shopping once our trip was over. But who am I kidding, I'll be back to normal once I hit the stores in Boston next week! hehe

1 comment:

  1. Don't put him in a pet hotel! We were going to do that with Finney when we went to Cuba but I read up and they can be really upsetting to cats. We had someone come by daily and feed him and he was just fine =) Bon Voyage Encore!
