Sunday 15 May 2011

Birthday bonanza

Yesterday we celebrated Cameron's first birthday and I must say it was a success. I don't know what I was thinking when I thought hosting two parties in one day would be a good idea, but in the end, it turned out to be such a wonderful day all around. The first party started at 11am and was for all Cam's friends, along with both James and mine as well. Who knew that hosting a one year old's birthday could be so complicated? Maybe it's because I'm not the greatest in being organized for hosting such a thing, but you live and learn, right?! I was scrambling around trying to finish decorating, making coffee and putting out food once everyone arrived. I suppose it didn't help that I had broken the glass of a frame as I was putting the artwork I created for Cam in the morning and had to run to Ikea to get another one and then drive all the way to St. Laurent to get the balloons I had ordered that I forgot to tell James to get the night before. All that to say, I was running behind, but everyone that arrived had graciously offered to help out and didn't seem to care too much that I was completely unorganized and a bit frazzled. It was quite the experience having over 30 adults and close to 15 babies all in one room. A bit chaotic at times, but exciting nonetheless. Earlier in the morning, James and I sat with Cam as we watched his photo and birthday message be aired on the 'A' Channel morning news. It honestly brought tears to my eyes. This day is so special and I can't believe it's been one year since Cam was born. It has been the best year of our lives so far and every day gets better and better as Cam never ceases to amaze us with all that he is learning and doing. I've mentioned that his first word was 'car' and now he is always saying 'hi'. It is the cutest thing. As the party came to an end, Erin wanted to get a photo of Mia and the birthday boy and as we sat them on the couch I told Cam to give Mia a hug and a kiss and to our amazement, he actually did it! I couldn't believe it. He kept doing it over and over and really pursing his lips and giving her kisses. What a doll! We were able to capture it all on camera, so I'll post a pic below. 

At our family party late afternoon, everyone was in good cheer and we had such a yummy dinner with everyone. When it came time to sing happy birthday and the blowing of the candle, Cam wondered what was going once all the singing began. We showed him how to blow out the candle and then he dove right into the cake, grabbing one of the huge icing balloons. By the time he finished smearing the icing all over his face as he attempted to eat it, the more he looked like a smurf. His whole face was blue. As if that was enough, because as James gave him a piece of cake he made a mess of eating that with more cake all over his face, shirt, pants, hands and floor. He then proceeded to lift the plate up and lick it. Apparently this kid loves cake! He must take after his mother. ;D

So all in all, the birthday bonanza was a success and Cam held it together like a champ. My little boy is now one and every day we can't help but smile as we are so proud to call him our son. Here are some pics from the family party. 

Happy 1st birthday Cameron! Love momma!


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