Sunday 29 May 2011

A new PB!

Today was race day and all the while leading up to it, I wasn't nervous at all until yesterday. I was watching the 5k race start and all the runners going super fast and as I stood there, I could feel my heart pounding and butterflies in my stomach. I wasn't at all nervous until that moment, because I don't like to set a time for a goal. That being said, I tend to say that when I am training, thinking I can't run that fast and thinking that I am not really that competitive, but I think deep down, I am a little bit. My last race, I said the same thing. No set time, just completion as my goal, but like the last time, the last couple of days before race day, I always seem to say, "well, if I could only do it in such a such a time, I'd be happy." I completed my first half marathon in 2:05 and so after having a baby, I thought that I may be a bit slower this time around. To my surprise, I was actually faster. Even if it was only by 2 minutes, I am very happy that I now have a new PB. I kept repeating, "I can do this, I feel good. I'm going to make it!" An old friend had given me the advice that I am prepared physically for the race, but now just need to focus on the mental part. Going into the race this morning, I kept that in mind and sure enough, it worked! I am already thinking about my next race; and I hope to make it in under 2 hours. Should be some good training. Anyway, I should get to bed as I am completely exhausted and haven't stopped to take a break all day, but first here are some pics from after the race with my training buddy, Erin. We're just missing our other training buddy, Gail though. We all did amazing, so congrats to all the runners this weekend!


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