Sunday 6 November 2011

Say what?!

Some of the cutest things come from kids mouths, especially when they are learning new words. Cam, as some of you may know, is obsessed with cars and every other "mighty machine" so he has taken to even making the sounds they make. if you ask him what a car does or says, he will say, "beep, beep, beep" and make the motion of honking a horn. A digger goes, "dig, dig, dig" as he points repeatedly with his hand downwards. So he's got a bunch of the basics down but he is now starting to put some words together, to form a sentence. When Biscotti is up on the bathroom counter, tv stand or even a chair, Cam proceeds to yell "Get down now!" and points down to the ground. I wonder where he picked that up from. ;) I suppose now, the sensors really need to come out for James and I. We've already begun the spelling game. C-O-O-K-I-E is not a word we can use in our house too often, or else you better have one ready to give out to the little guy. Oh and it can only be the mint girl guide ones. Looks like James and I will be spelling that one until next year when they come back in season. lol

One other cute story to share from this weekend. Last night, James and I decided to walk over to the grocery store to pick up a few things for dinner. As I am pushing Cam in the cart we had come to a stop in the aisle as some people were blocking the way, Cam decides to say, "beep, beep!" The woman beside us started to laugh as I acknowledge that he is indeed using it in the right context. Kids really do say the darndest things.  

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