Saturday 18 August 2012

Wonder Woman

Is it just me, or does it seem like every mother I know makes it look so easy to raise their children? It's only been one week and it feels like I have been through an emotional roller coaster. I've shed some tears, screamed, smiled, laughed and experienced some of the greatest joys in life as a new mother of two. I know that I will be able to handle what is thrown my way, it's just what you have to do right?! So why is it when I look at all the other mothers I know, I get the impression that they all have a handle on things and it appears to come naturally or easy to them? Their kids listen to them, they are able to play contently, they are all on a schedule for naps and bedtime and they seem to be able to sit down and eat food or breastfeed without any issues? Now I'm not saying that everyday is a struggle for me. I do have good days, but boy when you have a bad day, it can be rough. Yesterday was very challenging for me. Kylie was feeding non stop. It felt like every hour and she probably only slept for a total of two hours the entire day. My day didn't stop until around midnight when she finally crashed and actually slept for four hours, which I had to wake her up to eat only for her to not want anything. Cam also didn't want to go to sleep and finally went to bed around 10:45, woke up once for a bottle and then again at 5:30 am having wet his bed and refused to go back to sleep. After a quick little breakdown from me this morning, the day has proven to be much easier. Kylie has slept almost all day long, is not gassy and has proven to be the little angel that she is. That, or she was showing off that she is one easy baby after a lovely visit with her G-G Ma and great uncle this morning. I know that there will be plenty of bad days and I'll push through them, but what makes it all worth it is to see that I have two beautiful and healthy children in my life and for that I will try to be the best mom that I can be to them; a true wonder woman. 

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