Wednesday 16 March 2011

No sympathy

I thought I would try something a little different today. Most of the time when Cameron falls or takes a tumble or Biscotti swats or scratches him, the plan is not to react. If you react, then he will usually cry. If you laugh it off or redirect the focus, everything is fine and he just smiles or continues on with his day. So as Cam pulled open the stove drawer on my big toe, (ouch!) I wanted to see how he would handle my reaction, so I fake cried. Apparently to him that is funny. I thought he may look at me and want to give me a hug, but he wasn't having it. He laughed it off. There was no sympathy going to come from him at all. Maybe he is just doing what I do to him? A taste of my own medicine perhaps? All I was looking for was a little hug or even a snuggle. Maybe next time... or maybe when he actually understands it all. One day. 

But speaking of snuggles, I have recently become very fond of his snuggles before bed and just as of last week he has fallen asleep with me while lying in bed when we were at James' parents' place. Since he now has trouble going to sleep in the pack and play, I have discovered he will fall asleep with mommy lying down in bed with him. I love these precious moments. It could be that since I have given up breastfeeding that this way I feel that bond with Cam again and that he still does need me during his most vulnerable times. I will treasure these moments and hold on to them as long as I can. That is, just as long as it doesn't become a habit where this is the only way he will fall asleep. ;)

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