Sunday 13 March 2011

Oh what a feeling!

So yesterday was spa day. A group of my mom friends and I had booked the entire spa to ourselves to enjoy a facial, massage and pedicure sans bebés. I was so excited to be pampered, have some chit chat and indulge in some treats as well. I was able to run 16k yesterday morning so to sit back and relax was certainly well deserved and as much as I missed the little guy, I have to admit, I loved to have some freedom again. I think I was way too relaxed and maybe I have been these past few days because I have now forgotten things so much lately and this is not like me. Maybe I'm just feeling too distracted? I've forgotten my purse twice at someone's house this week and now yesterday I forgot my ugg boots at the spa. What is wrong with me?! Maybe I still just need more sleep. Aside from my forgetfulness, I have been starting to feel like my old self again and getting my body back. I have completely weaned Cameron off of breastfeeding - yay! Maybe I have mentioned that before, but it is finally starting to feel good. The first time I gave him a bottle of formula, I cried. Not sure why, but I did. It could have been the start of him feeling not so attached to me anymore and eventually not needed me at all (even though I seem to be the only one able to give him a bottle, which defeats the purpose of me weaning him) but that's a whole other story. Anyway, it feels good that I no longer have such a short window of possible freedom anymore. Oh what a feeling! On top of that, I am feeling good about my running longer distances. I mean I still dread having to go on Saturday mornings, but once I'm out there, it really does feel great and when I finish it's amazing to have started my weekend off feeling refreshed and energized. Now if I only I could get my head out of the clouds and stop forgetting things. How long does this "baby brain" thing last for anyway? It better be gone by the time I go back to work, or else I'm in trouble!


  1. Baby brain never fully goes away! Wine is the only solution that I have found to date :)

  2. Oh lovely. I thought it was just a phase. But you're right, there's always wine! lol
