Monday 14 March 2011


I've come to like Mondays and sometimes even wish for the weekend to be over just so that they come even more quickly. I am crazy? Well I would be if I was still working and wishing for Monday but since I am off, it really doesn't matter what day of the week it is for me. So the reason for my Monday obsession is tv. I have a line up of 3 shows that night to watch and get so excited. Tonight is the final episode of the bachelor. Yes, I watch the bachelor. Sad I know, but I suppose you could call it my guilty pleasure. And I know there are others out there who watch the same thing, cause always when it comes to the last episode, everyone's status on facebook changes after the person chooses. It's quite amusing actually. Anyway, I just had to get that out there, cause I am anticipating for it to be 8pm and it's only 10:30 in the morning.

So now onto other exciting stuff. Today Cam is 10 months old. I can't believe how fast time has gone by. In 2 months he will be 1 years old! Eeeek. That is such a huge milestone and I am already thinking about his birthday party. I want to make it really special for him even if he won't remember it. But speaking of remembering, this past weekend, James was over at his parents and they were watching old videos of when they were young. James was so happy to have those and to be able to look back at the way they were, their hairstyles, voices and how they gave their dad a chocolate bar for his birthday and then a cd holder. Boy times have changed. We both thought we should start taking more videos of Cam so that he too can one day sit down and watch them and see what he was like as a child. I've taken a few videos so far and with Cam's birthday approaching, I get more and more excited about filming that special day and see his reaction to everything that goes on. These are the moments that I look forward to experiencing and sharing with loved ones. As I was lying in bed last night, I kept going over and over the videos of Japan's earthquake disaster and devastation and cannot even fathom what that country is going through and the amount of loss and suffering. With Cam now in my life, I have such a different perspective on life and how much he needs James and I, so to think that mothers and fathers and childrens' lives have been lost or forever changed is just so heartbreaking. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those suffering right now.



  1. I don't know about you, but after becoming a mom, whenever I watch anything that involves harm to children, I just start crying. The funny thing is that I totally didn't get my my mom did it when I was younger. I thought she was just emotional and sappy. I guess now I know.

    Onto happier things, I think it's great that you're getting into taking more videos of Cam. He'll definitely appreciate it later. Even at 2.5, my daughter *loves* watching videos of herself.

  2. I totally agree with you Adriana - anything I see in the news or on tv that has to do with children and is harmful, I get teary. It is awful.

    That is adorable that your daughter loves her own home videos. I am looking forward to that stage with Cam. Now I just need to invest in a better camera that has video. Or maybe just borrow my in-laws' camera more. ;)
