Wednesday 2 March 2011

Why oh why?

So my sleep lately has been getting a bit better now that Cam has been sleeping through nights now for about a month. But for some reason I still feel completely exhausted on some days. Today is one of them. Now I am not one to take naps, I don't know why, I just always have to stay busy. James, on the other hand, naps could be his job if he had the option. Why can't I just sit back and take it easy sometimes?! On the weekend, James and I both agreed that I am just high strung. I sweat the small stuff and get stressed about stupid things or can't let things go. Do I want to be like this? No, but sometimes I just have no control over it. Maybe I need an attitude adjustment. lol Isn't that what parents say to their children? I think I need to say it to myself sometimes. I'm not saying I'm this bah humbug all the time, but sometimes I just need to let it go. I will only have one rant today and then mention the uplifting moment that took place today. 

So I love sleep. I miss it. Then you would think I would nap. So I learned that lesson today. I woke up with a splitting migraine today and couldn't go to my workout. I felt bad for Cam cause he always gets excited when we go to grandma and grandpa's house for a workout. His face just lights up when he sees them. Anyway, I decided to stay home. I couldn't wait to go back to bed and take a nap this morning, but I had to continue with my daily routine of being a mom. Hopefully Cam didn't notice my zombie-like stage today. He finally went down for a nap around 9:30 and as I nestled back into my bed and got all warm and comfortable, a stupid car alarm starts going off. Just what I needed for my already exploding head! It soon came to a stop and I was able to fall asleep for an hour. Of all days for Cam to have a short nap, today was not a good one. His nap was just over an hour. For some babies, that might be a normal nap, but Cam usually goes for the 2 hr naps. Why or why could that not be today?

My migraine is still lingering right now even though I took my prescription for it - maybe it isn't working fully cause it expired in November 2010. I didn't care though, I took it anyway. I needed to feel better. What I am really craving right now though is a diet coke. Caffeine. I don't drink coffee, so it's either tea or a DC. I wish I had some in the fridge. For now, I'll have to manage without.

Now onto the uplifting part of my day. Even with feeling crappy all it takes is for Cameron to do something cute and it will automatically put a smile on my face. While lying on the ground, Cam approaches me with his big gummy smile and what looks like, about to plant a big kiss on my face. Instead, what does he do, but bites my nose with the 2 sharp bottom teeth that he has. Ow. He laughs and does it a couple more times all proud. I'm now kinda afraid of him with those teeth. Will he give you a kiss or a bite? You never know when he will strike next. Good thing he's cute!

Until next time,


  1. He sounds like such a little rascal! Hope you're feeling better...migraines are the WORST, I suffer them alot and have it down to a science as to when I get them....

  2. I feel for you. I'm not a napper either, and like you, I need to be busy all the time. Every once in a while, I'd need a little reboot to recharge my batteries. Like once every couple of months. Now it seems to happen once every couple of weeks. Oh, kiddies are so tiring!

    Very cute story about Cameron. I love how they catch on to the fact that we find their antics funny and they keep trying them over and over again. :)
