Sunday 24 April 2011

Uneggspected turn of events

So it started off to be a great Easter Sunday. Cam woke up (too early of course) but seemed to be in good cheer. Maybe he knew spring was in the air or maybe he knew he was getting some gifts because it was a special day. We didn't go overboard on spoiling him. After all, he is not quite yet 1 years old, so he won't very well remember what he got for Easter when he was only 11 months old... We got him some clothes, a book, a teething toy and some grobags (sleep sacs). I know, not very exciting gifts, but like I said, he's not going to remember, so why not get him practical things that he needs right now. I should have known that today might be an off day when Cam decided that he didn't want his morning nap at his usual time. And why is it, that whenever you have to get ready to be somewhere, they never nap?! Since James went to go workout at his parents' place, I thought once Cam goes to bed, I'll finish getting ready for Mia's christening. We were excited to go celebrate. I saw Mia's outfit in a pic Erin had posted and couldn't wait to see her all dolled up. I even got Cam a new outfit so he would be dressed for the occasion. So as Cam decided to play instead of sleep, I figured I should just relax and enjoy this time as I will be back at work soon and won't have as much time with the little guy. I even got to experience him walk across our living room taking the most steps I've seen him take so far. It was incredible! It makes me sad sometimes when I think about going back to work because I don't want to leave him, but I know it will be good for him. It will help him learn and develop and teach him things I probably couldn't. I just have to keep telling myself that. :)

Anyway, back to today. We got to Mia's baptism and it was lovely service. Mia looked incredibly adorable, as usual. Little girls are just so darn cute in their little dresses and jewelry. After the ceremony we headed to Jane and Jeff's for dinner and as I am finishing my dinner, James notices that Cam has blood all over his hands. We find the source, Cam's fingertips are bleeding. Now how did that happen? I of course blame James since he was watching him, but I know it could have happened under anyone's watch including my own. But no time to point blame, we need to stop the bleeding. Cam is now uncontrollably crying and squirming so it's hard to get his fingers to apply pressure and have all of us finding out how deep the cuts are. Two of his fingertips are cut, deeper than paper cuts which evidently hurt, and since Cam is tired and hasn't really eaten his dinner, it's not making it any better of a situation. I tried to stay calm, but let me tell you, it's not easy watching your little boy scream and cry while bleeding. I could feel the tears starting to fall down my cheek. Everyone is trying to talk and ask what does he need, but I can't answer because I don't want people to see me weak in this moment. I can hear everyone, but for some reason I am like in my own little world, thinking about what to do, how to calm him down and wanting James to just pass him over to me, his mommy, so I can comfort him. Between James, Grandpa and Grandma there to help apply pressure and ice, inspect the cuts and wash them, I gave him some tylenol and he eventually fell asleep in my arms. We had to leave the party early and get Cam home to bed and make sure he was ok. As we drove home, I sat in the back seat, Cam was passed out and for the whole ride home, there was an awkward silence. I'm sure the both of us kept having thoughts race through our minds of how this could have happened? Shat could have been done to prevent it? What was it that he cut himself on anyway? And it's no one's fault. 

Just as we approached our building, Cameron woke up from his power nap and looked around all confused and wondering where he was. He finally started babbling away and put an end to our silence. It felt good. He's ok. We're all ok. Just an uneggspected turn of events, that's all.


  1. Maybe from chomping on his fingers with all of those brand new little teeth?

  2. I hate to tell you Care it gets worse as they get older. I still freak out whenever something happens, I feel so out of control! I guess you just take it one injury at a time :) It could have been anything, blinds, vent... It kinda feels like a roller-coaster, highs and lows come and go so quickly eh?! hope your week was better!
