Wednesday 8 June 2011

Your friendly neighbourhood strangers

Today on my way home after picking up Cam from daycare, I experienced two random acts of kindness from complete strangers. It's not everyday that something like this happens, so I feel like I it deserves a post. As I left work, I saw the skies turning more and more grey and I knew this was not going to be great walking weather for a baby in a stroller. I actually got a ride to Cam's daycare from my Creative Director, Jake and I knew the moment he would drop me off, that it was going to start to down pour, and boy was I right. I had to wait on the steps of daycare before Cam and I could leave and once the rain tapered down, we started on our way. As we were walking a woman carrying an umbrella asked me if I wanted to walk under it as she was going my way. I told her thanks, but it's ok, I have an umbrella myself, but was more concerned about the lightning hitting us if I had it up. Then about 30 feet ahead I noticed a really nice audi pulled over to the side of the road and as I approached it closer, the man inside asked me if I wanted a ride home so I wouldn't be caught in the storm. Again, I declined the offer (not because he could have been a creep - cause I honestly believe he was just being nice) but I didn't have a car seat is what I told him and he said, that's ok, do you need to go far? I only had a few more blocks to go, so I was fine. Normally I haven't really experienced true random acts of kindness like this on the streets downtown, so it was really nice to have it happen all in my neighbourhood. I mean, not that I live in a crappy area, but you never know the things that could happen where you live. It made me feel good that there are still those friendly neighbourhood strangers out there willing to lend a helping hand, umbrella or car for that matter. ;)

1 comment:

  1. How amazing! Glad to know there are still good people out there! Hope you weren't too drenched by the time you got home!
