Wednesday 18 May 2011

Working woman

It's been two and a half weeks since I started back to work and I must say it really does feel good. I knew it would be hard and a quite the adjustment after being off for the year, but everyday seems to get better and a little easier. I know there are going to be slip ups, like today, we were running a bit late. Cam got his first year needles and was a bit more clingy than he has been so it was a little bit of a challenge to get ready this morning with a baby attached to your leg at all times and the moment you put him aside, he starts to cry. Anyway, I am slowly starting to become more organized and have things ready to get out the door in good time. I am also back to walking to work and with that, I am pleased to say that almost all my old jeans are now fitting me again! It took awhile and I still have another five pounds to go before reaching my old weight, but I am almost there! It feels good and I am starting to feel like my old self again. With being back to work, I have this new feeling or sense of empowerment. I'm not sure if that's exactly how to describe it, but it just feels different. Maybe I feel more confidence. Before I would feel as though I couldn't do some things or feel the lack of knowledge or skills and I would also think that I wasn't good enough for some things at work. Coming back into the workforce, I no longer feel that way. Is it because I'm a mom now and I have had or have the hardest job ever of raising a child? Possibly, but maybe I'm just maturing or growing. Whatever it is, I like it. I no longer go into work dreading the workload or wondering if I am able to do what is asked of me. I am enjoying the projects being handed to me and I am trying to treat everything as a learning opportunity. One of my old coordinator's at college once gave us all a piece of sponge and told us to hold onto it and to make sure that we take everything that we learn in; soaking it all up like a sponge. This is what I want to do. I am going to have a new attitude towards not only work, but in life. I am a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister and once again, a working woman. It feels good; and life is good. Now if only I could conquer my addiction to sweets! ;D


  1. Glad to hear everything is going well! It does get easier :) I love being a working mom.

  2. I'm happy it has been an easy adjustment, that's for sure!

  3. I had the exact same experience when I went back after Sadie. I had never been so motivated at work! Enjoy.

  4. Thanks Chris! Good to hear that it can be a positive experience for many of us!

  5. What an awesome and uplifting post! I love your positive outlook and since I have been married I feel the same way =)
