Sunday 8 May 2011

Momma's day

Today was my first Mother's day and I must say, I had a great day. James, Cam and I went to the golf course for lunch. I know I swore I wouldn't take Cam to any more restaurants for awhile, but today had to be an exception, but he did really well! He sat contently in the high chair and ate away and was in an incredible mood. He is now walking like a champ, but didn't want to showcase his skills too much at the course. I think he was holding back so that his dad wouldn't see how good he is cause he knows that one day soon he will have to caddy for him. lol

After lunch we headed to my parents' house. Cam met his younger cousin, Maxwell for the first time. He is adorable and has way more hair than Cam and weighs the same too. Cam, you have some catching up to do, little guy! It was a very nice visit with grandma and grandpa, cause we don't get to see them too often. Cam was super excited to play with all the toys and was walking like crazy, cruising from one room to the next. I think the highlight of our day was when I turned on the CD player in the living room to show Cam that it lights up and all the buttons are fun to press. My mom had a country CD in the player and once the music began to play, Cam just started dancing up a storm. Could he be a closet country music fan?! I've never seen him so hyper and excited about dancing to music before. My mom grabbed Cam's hands and they were dancing together and when my mom started moving and tapping her feet, so did Cam and then he began to lead her in the dance. We couldn't stop laughing. I wish I had a video camera to capture the moment; it was classic. It's times like these, that you realize this is a special moment and that this is what life is all about; this is what it should be like. The laughter, the dancing, the bonding and the innocence of it all. I miss that. I know my mom and I have had some rough bumps in the road lately, but this day turned out to be a special one with a wonderful memory to hold dear in my heart and to hope there will be many more happy moments like this one to come for Cameron to experience as he continues to grow. :)

1 comment:

  1. sounds like such a special mommas day Care! to bad we missed you....we were in pakenham at lunch time! see you next weekend!
