Friday 1 June 2012

Been way too long

So it's been almost a year to the date since I last posted on here, so I better get back into it. So many things have changed since then. I am pregnant again, this time with a little girl. I am so exited to have one of each and can't wait to see Cam as a big brother! I will love to see the bond they form and hopefully one day he will be her little protector. We have decided to name her Kylie Kennedy McGee. Still keeping with the "Kennedy" as the middle name since I never changed my name when I married James. Cam has Kennedy as his middle name also. I think both names are nice and strong and really go well together. As I sit here and write this, Kylie is moving around like crazy. Not sure if she is dancing to the funk music that is playing in the office here or she is trying to tell me that she wants some lunch. lol Anyway, I can't wait to meet her and see her come August. 

I'm starting to get really uncomfortable and not sleeping that well, so I can only imagine the summer won't be quite as enjoyable, but like they say, it will all be worth it, once I see that little face. 

Cam is growing up so incredibly fast too. He just turned two on May 14 and he is like a little boy now. He is saying sentences and able to communicate with us more and more everyday. This past weekend, James' mom and I took him to Syracuse on a little shopping excursion. He did fairly well, with only 2 meltdowns. I had a meltdown myself as I had to pack up his and my lunch in the food court while he screamed and cried, threw things and kept hitting me in the face. I was trying to hurry to get out of there so no one would see the tears started to run down my cheek. I was exhausted, had no voice, pregnant, hungry and had a screaming 2 year old on my hands that wouldn't listen to me if his life depended on it. I made it to the car to finally confine him and finish my food until Debbie was able to come find me. Stupid cell phone wouldn't work so I had no way of reaching her to let her know where I had gone. As she arrived to the car, the tears started flowing down my face, as I tried to tell her, that I had to get out of there so people would stop staring at me like I was a bad mother for not controlling my child. At that very moment, I thought, what have I done getting pregnant again with a 2 year old? I should have waited til Cam was a bit older. Either way, it makes for a rather funny story to one day tell Cam what he put his mother through. haha 

I only expect this to be the first of many meltdowns, so I better toughen up and learn to deal - especially with another one on the way. I know I can handle it or rather, will handle; I just need to exert a little more patience.
I will post some pics soon of Cam and how much he has grown up. He is such a cutie and his smile is so infectious; I love him so much! 

So I'm back to blogging - hopefully it won't be few and far between posts!


  1. Oh care, I love the honesty in your story!
    It sounds all to familiar.
    Situations like that happen to me (and I am sure lots of other moms) all the time.
    I think it is human to react, in tears or frustration. You did the best you could.
    Plus you are also preggers! Which mean way more emotional with your reactions.
    You are going to be a fabulous and wonderful mother of two. As you are already an incredible mother of one.
    It is totally normal to think "what the hell was I thinking having more kids?! I can barley manage what I have!"
    but life with kids is not about 'managing' it is about living and experiencing all spectrum's of emotions.
    Kids make us feel strongly in every direction (from frustration to joy and everything in between)
    That is what makes being a parent so amazing.

    You are an amazing mom!


  2. Thanks Jess! You are too sweet. But I agree, having kids and going through these moments, though struggling at times is really what makes life all worth the while!
