Monday 25 June 2012


I am in full swing, the nesting stage of pregnancy. I want to weed out, organize and buy new things for our condo. Because I am feeling rather large, I want as little as possible in our place, but have no where to put things. I want the toys hidden, the clutter gone and everything clean and tidy. What it really comes down to, is we have outgrown our space. Having one child, ok, it can work. Having a toddler and another baby one the way, it's a tight squeeze. We are trying to figure out a plan to make it work though - at least for the next several months. I mean, people in big cities do it, right?! I just have to be super organized. Everyone keeps asking us, what our plan is, and I'm so tired of not having one. James and I need to sit down (maybe after the baby comes) and really nail down a plan of action. When we go to friends' houses on weekends and see the space they have and the fact they can have people over and entertain or go outside to a backyard, I can't help but be a tad bit jealous that we can't do the same. I know I just have to be patient and something will come along to make our own, but the pregnancy hormones in me just keep rearing their little heads! In one way, I want to move and leave the condo lifestyle, but in another it makes me sad to close that chapter. It's such a big decision, I just don't want to make the wrong move. 

1 comment:

  1. As a fellow city-dweller, I also long for the extra space and a backyard to call my own. That being said, I think that the city offers so much more than anything you could get in the burbs - the CITY is your backyard! Stuff like that always makes me grateful that we never moved to the burbs. I know some people like the peace, quiet, and extra space, but it's definitely not for me. Just remember that no matter what you do, do it for yourself, and not because you're trying to conform. I speak from experience. :)
